Feline (and Félipe)…happily expecting…

Monday, 19 October 2015, was a very exciting day for all at Wild Cats World and our vet, but also another very important achievement in our leopard project “The other side of the leopard”. Our dear ambassador leopard, Queen Feline, was examined and we decided to have a scan done to know a bit more and check if all is fine…..and yes Feline allowed this, caretakers by her side and a vet (and assistant) she never saw before…..NON sedated! Lots of domestic cats can take her example of behaving so well!!1-SAM_5862

All excitement grew when…..one….two heartbeats were visible. These cubs are most welcome and very important for our project. Of course it is a first litter so we hope all goes well, but for sure Feline will be a wonderful mommy, already practicing her skills on Felicia who allows it. The cubs will be (of course!) mother-raised, and part of the leopard “Pride”-model. Interesting to see how mom Feline reacts to the people she bonds with when she has cubs. We expect no change! Important for the project to see the differences between human-raised (but soon reunited with their kind!) and mother-raised leopards, and above all to show the other side of the leopard again. The species that is so misunderstood, and turns out to be most exceptional and wonderful of all!!
Picture kindly taken by our caretaker Jeanette Leinweber.

Babette de Jonge
Director/Founder Wild Cats World

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