Survival factors in living with lions

Cheetahs thrive, wild dogs don’t… Increases in the number of top predators like lions do not always affect the number of cheetahs in the area. A recent study looked at the effects of lion populations on other hunters. The number of cheetahs was not affected by the increase in the lion population but wild dogs … Read more

Javan leopard release program – Update April 2014

On ground level they are still working hard to make the release of the wild leopards Sawal and Dimas a fact. Sadly things in Indonesia are not going fast, as you can expect of a country with an attitude “if not today, there’s always tomorrow!” But currently there’s a meeting with Ciremai National Park to … Read more

Global march for lions

15 MARCH 2014, AMSTERDAM On 15 March 2014 the world united in a Global March for Lions. The March against Canned Hunting. These photos are taken during the participation (read: joining the march against Canned hunting) of Wild Cats World in the Amsterdam-March to give you all an impression of a very successful day, with … Read more

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