Ambassador Felipe – leopard

Félipe was born October 1st, 2012, and came to us to be a partner of our female ambassador Feline.  He also came from he famous list offered to all kind of wrong places in the petting and hunting industry, so we can indeed call it a rescue, offering him the best life possible, not being exploited in any way.

Félipe successfully sired the two  litters of Feline, with two daughters (Olive & Kali) and two sons (Beau & Bahati). We sadly lost Kali, for sure due to clumsiness of Feline and the other female Felicia, but Olive as well as Beau & Bahati left on 16th of March 2018 for a soft release. And we are extremely proud of that.

Adopt Felipe / All about leopards

Do you like Felipe and his story and you want to support in our plead to give him the best life possible, you can (symbolically) adopt him, or any of the other leopards.


October 2013: Meet Wild Cats World’s ambassador leopards Feline, Felix, and Félipe in their ‘den’, meaning their night house. They can withdraw whenever they like into their most private space, but they still allow their keepers to come in and sit with them. Here you can see them resting in their den during daytime, and also how well they accept our presence in their most intimate space.

leopards Felix and Félipe

Update 23.09.2018 Third litter, African leopards Feline & Félipe: three gorgeous cubs

We are very proud to inform you about a third successful birth of our African leopard couple Feline & Félipe. After the relocation of the youngsters from previous litters to be (soft) released, March this year, the couple must have thought it is too quiet and time for new off spring. On August 22nd we could welcome three gorgeous and healthy cubs again, 2 females & 1 male. Names we have but are only meant for insiders, like the people who work closely with them, and sponsors or (symbolic) adoption parents. For the world it is most important to know the African leopard (Panthera Pardus Pardus) is currently vulnerable on the red list of the IUCN, and as numbers are declining rapidly everywhere but also in South Africa, where the leopard ban on hunting has been withdrawn in some Provinces as well, these three new cubs, and any other in the future, are essential for the future of the species. Of course these cubs, like the last born of our other couple Felicia & Felix, will in time be relocated for a (soft) release. As a matter of fact we already have a request by a wonderful, outstanding Private Game Reserve (non-hunting area), so the future looks bright. Of course the first one to two years they can enjoy the save surroundings close to their amazingly wonderful and protective mom Feline, dad Félipe and our other leopards.

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