Welcome to Wild Cats World Sanctuary
We welcomed another caracal and 3 servals at our sanctuary. All the way from Belgium. Lots of servals (and the occasional caracal) are kept as…
Happy Birthday to the WCW ‘Matriarch’
Happy 22 to our dearest Queeny, our Birthday girl (Sacred Birman Cat). We are so proud of you oldie and love you so much. We…
The latest news from the sanctuary
We haven’t published so many up-dates recently, so it is about time to tell you what we have been working on the past few months and what is
about to come.
Welcome to the new rescue servals and Caracals
We are here for all cats and animals… whenever possible. We came to rescue to many Servals and Caracals.A lot of them from Europe, and…
Video of the month
It is a Wild Cats World….
@ Wild Cats World Sanctuary
Tina Claramunt for Wild Cats World
Recent Photography
SA Leopard Conservation Project
There are lots of cheetah, tiger and even lion conservation projects, creating awareness for the bad situation of these species in the wild, but somehow people always seem to have the strange and wrong idea that the leopard numbers are still safe
About Wild Cats World
Wild cats World is dedicated to the conservation of the endangered wild cats and their habitat.
Our goal is to bring global awareness to wild cats conservation issues, support field research for several species, promote world-wide education and rescue efforts to give captive cats a better life. More…
Other ways to help
- Leopards: Feline & Félipe, Felix & Felicia
- Cheetahs: Speedy, Spiky & Sunny
- Black-footed Cats: Lilly & Spotty, Lucky, Lady & Leila
- African wildcats: Sid & Louise, Maurice, Stars, Quilla
- Servals: Joy, Fady, Fennick & Fonzi
- Pallas Cats: Lyon & Zoë
- Caracals: Leo, Nina II, Thilido & Lucca
Facebook page Ambassadors
Also view the Photo album on FaceBook with more pictures of the ambassadors.