Mission leopardproject ” Other side of the leopard”

To all people who like to work in a different way than I do with WCW, with their educational and conservational projects and purposes, who will judge before knowing or who just envy and therefore judge, just this one time short & clear explanation and message. No one has to agree, but it is not all black and white. Of course I don’t advise people to do what I do just like that…..let that be a warning.

The whole message in what I do and experiment in our leopard project: all once said or claimed as facts about leopards can be taken into consideration. onebighappyfamilyThese are not ordinary cuddle picture I at times share with leopards in our SA project, but this is a human who after long dedication and input, is able to be with a leopard who gives birth, who accepts the presence close of a human and another leopard, with the cubs close…….this is what isn’t advised anyone to do, but to take into consideration that this species needs to be loved and saved as all knowledge that has been spread of the leopard being the most vicious, a-social etc etc cat is just not all true.beautifulcubs

They are not just dangerous, solitary, nocturnal and whatever…..And also in captivity you must not let them be wild and put them in a small cage. In fact (many) zoos, sanctuaries and private projects can learn a lot from this project too. Only frustrated females (and males) are afraid of caretakers and do kill their cubs. To South African projects and some zoos: you don’t have to take cubs away in order to have them get used to humans (or socialize them). Many people are doing this kind of work and trying to give this message with cheetah, lions, tigers…never leopards, so not anyone is going to destroy the one clear message we are sharing…..and apart from that our mutual love and respect!


leopardbirthAnd yes I do it for myself too, as it is so rewarding so see animals like leopards so much at ease in every way, as they are respected and loved but also can live like leopards…not like pets or zoo/circus entertainment. All in my power I have given and will keep on giving to this species, also in the wild. Don’t underestimate that. Thanks!


Babette de Jonge

-Director/founder Wild Cats World-

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