Project in progress: Save the Pallas Cat (Felis manul)

At this moment there’s a lot of work in progress for the new Wild Cats World conservationproject to support the magnificent Pallas Cat (felis manul) in various ways. At this moment lots of ideas are discussed by all involved, like some essential European zoos with pallas cats in their collection, the EEP species comittee of the Pallas Cat, Russian conservation projects working on ground level and esp. by Bérengere Desmet (spokesperson of this new project) and Babette de Jonge (Director and founder of Wild Cats World). Lots of work and negotiations still have to be done before we can give you more concrete info about this new project and more important how you can all help out to support the Pallas Cat, but just keep checking out our Facebook page and this website for more info.

Blijdorp 023

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