Javan leopard release program – Update October 9, 2013

Habitat assessment

WE NEED FUNDS AND CAMERATRAPS, THE MORE THE BETTER…. we have 10 cameratraps and it will take 2-3 months to collect the data, with 20 cameratreaps 1 month, etc. And we want to have a… speedy release. Please help out!!!

Donations for more JLRP camera traps

Habitat Assessment (without camera-traps) that have been done so far:

  • Northern part of nature reserve Gunung Tilu (Bandung); area is not suitable for another leopard. There are 3 leopards; 2 males and 1 male or female.
  • Nature reserve Gunung Kamojang (Garut): 2 weeks of survey done and found only 1 scratch mark on a tree from a leopard. To find out how many leopards there life in this area and to do a good assessment we need camera-traps. It’s a good area but people do motor crossing through the area.

Areas where we want habitat assessments to be done:

  • Nature reserve Malabar (Southern part Bandung): Our guy Erwin will start here within 2-3 weeks. Next week he will give a presentation for the perhutani of Malabar to get the permit to do habitat assessment. Malabar is a good area but unknown how many leopards living in that area.
  • Southern part of Nature reserve Gunung Tilu (bandung): is a good area but unknown how many leopards already there.
  • Ciremai National Park (near Bandung): Research is done in this area about the distribution of the leopards. Ciremai could be a good possible release site for our leopards. But habitat assessment has to be done first.

Other areas that are maybe good to release leopards:

  • Halimun-Salak National park (Bogor): the rangers are positive about releasing our leopard in there NP. And want to support or program and help with monitoring. But we know that there are several leopards in this NP, but how many in unknown.
  • National park Meru betiri (east Java) is open for our leopard, but no info yet about this area and how many leopards in that place.


We got the information from Erlinda that last year there was a survey in this area to find the ‘’last’’ tiger, hopefully they want to share the data they collected.

IN THE MEANTIME WE NEED FUNDS AND CAMERATRAPS, THE MORE THE BETTER….we have 10 cameratraps and it will take 2-3 months to collect the data, with 20 cameratreaps 1 month, etc. And we want to have a speedy release.

Due to human-leopard conflict Sawal needed to be captured and is waiting for a release.

Sawal doesn’t thrive well in captivity and must be released a.s.a.p.

Poor leopard, help us with a donation to release him a.s.a.p.


New natural enrichment for Sawal, as he keeps on destroying everything.

Hopefully he knows how to appreciate the new stuff, now you can clearly see the difference between a captive and a wild leopard. He needs to be released better yesterday than today.

The team is working hard to make Sawal’s life a bit more worthwhile waiting for his release back to natural habitat.

September 2013: In the last year we received information about at least nine conflicts between humans and Javan leopards, this was only in West Java, only a small part of all conflictions and leopards ending up dead!

Cikananga Wildlife Center evacuated four of these conflict leopards. Unfortunately two of them (leopards Vita and Pieter) didn’t survive because they were probably poisoned! Even though we did everything we could to make them better, they were too sick and died!

Happily leopards Dimas and Sawal had more luck! They were captured because of human-leopard conflict, as the people were trying to catch the cats with traps in order to kill them. But now the leopards are waiting in a cage at the rescue center to return to the wild, which should have occurred already yesterday, but as for lack of funds and cooperation from government as well as habitat survey that is still being done, they have to wait a bit longer. Esp. 8-10 year old Sawal is showing signs of bad health caused by the stress of captivity and the humans nearby. We need to give them back their natural life as soon as we can, as a starter of this project. Can you help us? All funds, donations, sponsormoney is more than welcome. The sooner we can give these poor leopards back their freedom the better, and at the same time we can learn from this in order to continue the Javan leopard conservation in a professional way including:

  • Habitat assessment and survey
  • Education-awareness program
  • Involvement of local community and collaboration
  • Support of the government.

We found relevant people who are willing to help, advise and support us with this program.


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