Javan leopard release program – update July 30

Sad news from our Indonesian partners, Wanicare Foundation, at our Javan Leopard Release Program. A new male leopard was brought in at the Chikananga sanctuary. He was captured in the area of Ciemas, in a conflict with humans. Therefore… he will be named Ciemas. We will provide  more info about this unfortunate leopard as it becomes available.

Ciemas - leopard

We still have leopards Dimas and Sawal,for which we find a suitable place to have them released in the wild, but we are very sad to say the situation for the leopards in Java is getting worse by the minute. No doubt we will keep on fighting for them in all our power. After the finishing touch to the Spotted Cats Conservation (captive) project in South Africa, we will fully concentrate on the Javan Leopard Project and the releases of these leopards as for education and investments.


1 thought on “Javan leopard release program – update July 30”

  1. Hi

    Sad news indeed.. Hopefully Ciemas is doing relatively fine and is not hurt or anything. It seems human-leopard conflicts are getting more and more common. The effort wildcatsworld puts into this project is very important as javan leopards need every help they can get. I will be looking forward to any news and wish that meanwhile the leopards stay healthy and safe.


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