Welcome to Wild Cats World Sanctuary

We welcomed another caracal and 3 servals at our sanctuary. All the way from Belgium. Lots of servals (and the occasional caracal) are kept as (illegal) pets or for breeding. Many seem to end up in the streets (escape?), or they are confiscated. Very few times the owner gives up on them, finally realizing they … Read more

Servals to our sanctuary

Another two male servals are on the flight from Brussels to Johannesburg and will be welcomed @ Wild Cats World Sanctuary Friday the 19th of January. The three males who have arrived last year are doing great in their natural habitat and we are convinced these two boys will settle in as quickly. Finally they … Read more

Expected in January 2024

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and all of the best for 2024. At the same time we like to take this opportunity to up-date you about some more rescue wildcats we are expecting at our sanctuary. Another two male servals will be on a flight from Belgium to our sanctuary in South Africa. … Read more

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