To stay at sanctuary or ready for rehabilitation?
The latest arrival at our sanctuary is (…was) this orphan squirrel who was found and hand-raised.
The latest arrival at our sanctuary is (…was) this orphan squirrel who was found and hand-raised.
The best for the resident animals and their species in the wild. No exhibition, no exploitation, no trade…
As a sanctuary we are often asked to take in (wild) cats, and other animals, in need.
Our sanctuary is not just heaven for the bigger and smaller wildcats such as leopards, cheetahs or servals/caracals… but also the smaller African wildcat and Black-footed cats.
After the move to our new location there’s of course lots of things still to do; to organise, get things together and to improve. Most important to make a plan for the future: how to move forward from now. We are happy to tell you all cats are happy and healthy after the big move, … Read more
The pretty girl you see on the photos, is Phoebe. A few weeks ago she was brought in at our sanctuary. They found her all alone in the bush, near a lodge. There’s not many cats around this place in the bush, apart from a few African wildcats that have been sighted. As for her … Read more
We made it happen after a year of hard work preparing every detail of the huge relocation. A fresh start of the officially registered Wild Cats World Sanctuary at our own new property. Many long drives started to move all animals and other belongings to Bela Bela, Limpopo. While all animals have settled in nicely … Read more
Wild cats World is a non-profit organisation relying on the generosity of the (wild) cat enthusiasts. By sponsoring/Adopting a cat you will be a great support in the monthly expenses to give this particular cat (at our sanctuary in South Africa) the best life possible. To sponsor a species is also possible. If you want … Read more
13-02-2021: Another four leopards were taken on a long one way trip to their forever home at the new WCW sanctuary. The team made sure they were well prepared for the long trip of at least 13 hours. Three farmcats went along and some materials. The planning was to also transport servals on this trip … Read more
We relocated our ambassador cats to the new ‘Official Wild Cats World Sanctuary’! The first few months of this year we will be very busy relocating ambassador wild cats to the new sanctuary in Bela Bela. It is a long drive of 13 hours from the Eastern Cape to Limpopo Province. That requires lots of … Read more